Partners of the UMD19

Asian Mayors Forum (AMF)
Asian Mayors Forum (AMF)


The Governing Major of Berlin - Senate Chancellery
The Berlin Senate Chancellery
Berlin has strong ties to the rest of the world. Many of the visitors of state invited to Berlin by the federal government use their stay here to meet with the Governing Mayor, too. The countless visits by working groups on very different levels also illustrate the unflagging interest in our city. Of course, Berlin does not just welcome visitors; rather, the city’s political representatives also make valuable contacts on their own visits abroad in connection with specific themes. Ideally, these contacts lead to lasting relationships. In addition, Berlin’s 17 city partnerships are given focus and content at the Berlin Town Hall, which also coordinates Berlin’s work in various international city networks and assists the many different embassies and other foreign missions here in the city. A wide array of cooperative projects with cities in other countries and special tasks round off our activities. Berlin offers a comprehensive range of services to the city’s international visitors. Along with the traditional goals of international cooperation – the idea of promoting international understanding and international exchange – our work is aimed at enhancing Berlin’s position worldwide. Especially in the areas of business –and particularly the tourism industry – culture, and climate protection, Berlin has many strengths that are attracting a lot of attention abroad. We want to highlight these and take a proactive approach to marketing them.

The Drivery
The Drivery
Mariendorfer Damm 1
12099 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 174 7842385

Polis Network
Polis Network
Polis is a network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport.
Since 1989, European local and regional authorities have been working together within Polis to promote sustainable mobility through the deployment of innovative transport solutions.
Our aim is to improve local transport through integrated strategies that address the economic, social and environmental dimensions of transport. To this end, Polis supports the exchange of experiences and the transfer of knowledge between European local and regional authorities. It also facilitates the dialogue between local and regional authorities and other actors of the sector such as industry, research centres and universities, and NGOs.
Polis fosters cooperation and partnerships across Europe with the aim of making research and innovation in transport accessible to cities and regions. The network and its secretariat actively support the participation of Polis members in European projects. Polis participation in European projects allows us to create a framework which facilitates dialogue and exchange between local authorities and the transport research community.
In Polis, decision makers are provided with the necessary information and tools for making sustainable mobility a reality. Within the Political Group of Polis, they formulate recommendations to the European institutions.

Women in Mobility
Women in Mobilty
Women in Mobility
c/o Coco Heger-Mehnert
Gummertstr. 12
45131 Essen
fon: +49 0171 3582577
info [at]
"Nachhaltige Mobilität lebt von Vielfalt und Vernetzung - auf dieser Formel bauen wir auch unser Netzwerk Women in Mobility auf und verbinden Frauen aus der gesamten Branche." Sophia von Berg, Mitgründerin der Women in Mobility
Die Women in Mobility engagieren sich für eine bessere Sichtbarkeit von Frauen der Mobilitätsbranche: in Führungspositionen und Projektleitungen, als Speakerinnen auf Konferenzen oder als Expertinnen in Fachmedien.
Ob Entscheiderin oder Doktorandin, Führungspersönlichkeit oder Gründerin, Wissenschaftlerin, Studentin oder Mitarbeiterin − die Women in Mobility bieten Frauen aus Unternehmen und Startups, Organisationen und Verbänden, aus Medien und Politik eine Plattform zum Netzwerken, für gemeinsame Projekte, Kooperationen und Austausch.

Graphmasters GmbH
We offer different sponsorship packages to present your company to a wide international audience at the International Urban Mobility Dialogue.
It is possible to define individual packages based on your needs. In case of questions, please contact