We specially invite KOL’s from all over the world and ask them to present their views, ideas and solutions, dedicated to the most urgent topics of urban mobility. The invited experts cover the wide range of stakeholders in mobile societies and represent politics, industries, commerce, science and citizen interest groups.
The morning sessions are chaired by Dr. Gabriele Wendorf and Dr. Michael Abraham both from ZTG (Center for Technology and Society) – Technische Universität Berlin.
Experts of the UMD19

Michael Abraham
Research Fellow at ZTG (Center for Technology and Society), TU Berlin
Michael Abraham, Germany
Panel Sessions Chair
Michael Abraham studied City and Regional Planning at the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin. Supported by a DAAD scholarship, he also spent one year studying architecture, geography and management at Montana State University, USA. Since 2007 he is working as a research fellow at Technische Universität Berlin. Ever since he worked in several European and international projects aiming at promoting sustainable urban mobility. Within this research field he is currently focusing on the process and impact evaluation of transportation measures. His general research interest is oriented towards the testing and assessment of sustainable urban transportation projects and complex strategies as well as towards the identification of transferability criteria of success factors and the corresponding knowledge exchange on an international level. Additionally, he dedicates his activities to general and specific questions related to the conception, implementation, analysis and evaluation of Smart City concepts.

Lukáš Báča
Head of Urban Mobility Unit at Municipality of Brno - Czech Republic
Lukáš Báča
Head of Urban Mobility Unit at Municipality of Brno - Czech Republic
Lukáš Báča studied Social and Regional Geogrpahy at the Masaryk University in Brno. His field of study was transport geography and in year 2014 he defended thesis about alternatives of the Brno – Tuřany Airport development.
In 2015 he started to work in Municipality of Brno as transport specialist in the Department of Transport and he became Head of Urban Mobility Unit in Municipality of Brno in April 2019. His field of work is elaborating and implementing of SUMP for Brno.

Frank Beckmann
Managing Partner & Co-Founder ParkenPropertyPartner, Consultant Smart Parking & Mobility, Hannover
Frank Beckmann, Germany
Keynote Lecturer
Frank Beckmann was CFO and CEO with Q-Park, a leading carpark operator, from 2005-2015. In January 2015 he became international consultant smart parking & mobility as well advisor for investment companies within the parking sector. In August 2017 he started as managing partner & co founder ParkenPropertyPartner providing all parking expertises as one-stop shop to real estate companies.
Previously he worked for over 12 years as CFO in various companies including three years in Asia. Frank Beckmann regularly publishes newsletters on Linkedin about future developments of parking and mobility. He is member of the advisory board of the Medici Institute in India.

Mahdi Bina
Secretary of Smart Cities Committee, Asian Mayors Forum (AMF), Theran - Iran
Mahdi Bina, Secretary of Smart Cities Committee, Asian Mayors Forum (AMF)
Occupational Roadmap:
Honors and Awards:
- Mahdi Bina winner of International IRDA Award 2012 for Best ICT Idea & Patent
- Has been Honored by Iran Presidential Office For Smart public services
- Has been Honored by Tehran Municipality For Smart public services (Smart Tehran)
- Has been Honored by Tehran University For Innovative activities and International collaboration on IIIRC 2017
- Winner of Best ICT Product Award on Iran ICT Managers Summit 2017 For Mobile Government Platform (m-App, IVR, VMS, SMS, MMS, USSD, MCA)
- Winner of Best Public Mobile services 47th National E-Administration System Congress 2017 For Mobile Government Platform
- Has been Honored by Smart city and Innovation Management Symposium 2016 as Best keynote speaker by subject of Innovation in the Smart cites lecture
- Has been Honored from Innovation & Invention Festival 2013
- MA University of Technology
- Winner of 1st Tehran Mobile Start-up Weekend 2013
- Has been Honored by NIOPDC
- National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company, 2008
Mahdi Bina's Patents:

Florinda Boschetti
Senior Project Manager at Polis Network, Brussels - Belgium
Dr. Florinda Boschetti
Florinda Boschetti is a city planner (MSc in Urban, Environmental and Regional Planning from Polytechnic University of Milan, 2001) and earned a Ph.D. in sustainable transport planning in 2009 from University of Brescia, Italy. Her field of expertise is health in transport through walking and cycling, and designing liveable cities.
She is Senior Project Manager at the Polis Network secretariat in Brussels, a network of European cities and regions working together to develop innovative technologies and policies for local transport since 1989, where she’s coordinating Polis working groups on Environment and Health in Transport, and Bikeshare and Micro-mobility.
Florinda is assisting European local authorities and regions in the frame of European co-funded projects with their strategic mobility plans and projects in active mobility and air quality, electromobility and smart grids, transport automation, spatial planning and urban health. She is also the coordinator and programme manager of 6th European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans organised by the European Commission and the Eltis platform in Gronigen on 17-18 June 2019.
On behalf of Polis and its members, Florinda is acting as Focal point of UNECE-WHO's Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme (THE PEP), and is a member of THE PEP Partnership on Health economic assessment tool (HEAT) for walking and cycling, and THE PEP Partnership on the Integration of Transport, Health and Environmental Objectives into Urban and Spatial Planning (co-leaders: Russian Federation and France).
Florinda has over 15 years’ experience working in the field across academia, the public sector and network organisations, and liaising with public officials, national and international stakeholders. Before moving to Brussels 10 years ago, she has worked as an urban planner in the public sector in Italy.

Mehmet Cabadak
Investment Group at Deutsche Bahn Digital Ventures GmbH, Berlin - Germany
Mehmet Cabadak
Mehmet joined Deutsche Bahn Digital Ventures, the corporate venture capital arm of Deutsche Bahn, at the beginning of 2018. He supports in the identification of startups that may impact Deutsche Bahn at some point in the future. Before joining DBDV, Mehmet worked in the valuation department at Rocket Internet.

Antonio Cantalapiedra Asensio
Founder & CEO Woonivers, Madrid - Spain
Antonio Cantalapiedra Asensio
Founder & CEO Woonivers (Fintech/Travel tech startup) - Private Investor – MBA Professor – Serial entrepreneur- Mobility Advisor
Degree in Comunication & Public Relations from Universidad Complutense, MBA ICADE Business School, Master in Law & Political Science (Spanish Presidential Minister, CEPC), Degree in International Relations (Diplomatic School of Spain), AMP- Georgetown University (McDonough School of Business), GAMP - ESADE Business School.
Has given classes and lectures of Marketing & Economics in prestigious universities as Endicott College (Boston), IE Business School (Entrepreneurial Lab), ESADE Business School (Barcelona), Harvard University (Boston), ICADE Business School, UCLM University, Antonio de Nebrija University (Madrid), UNED, GBS (Global Business School- Barcelona), UNIR University and EUDE Business School (Madrid) and so on.
- He´s also shareholder and Board member of the following startups:
- Iomob (Blockchain Mobility)
- MadeinMöbile (Internet of Things)
- Capaball (Machine Learning for Education)
- Balandra Software (Artificial Intelligence)- Gartner cool Vendor
- Binfluencer (Machine Learning PR Company)
Moreover, Mentor and International Speaker as part of the Founder Institute (Silicon Valley, USA), Porsche Connected Car Accelerator Start-up Program, IE Venture Lab and Senior Advisor on Mobility and Smart Cities for Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG).
Actually Founder of Woonivers (Blockchain)- Travel TechFintech company- VC backed with almost 2M euros seed round –Founded in 2018-Launch February 2019.
Specialist in International Relations with special focus on e-commerce-ridesharing, carsharing and Blockchain; author of many releases as Los smartphones como "aceleradores" del proceso de reservas de viajes en China en el Libro Blanco del turismo chino en España: Conocimientos y experiencias (ISBN 978-84-9727-580-5) and “El libro del Comercio Electrónico”, 2017.
Besides, he´s been working for conglomerates as Blackberry (Southern Europe Field Marketing Director based in London) and GfK (London) and also as International Area Director as well for busuu.com (the e-learning languages start-up) based in London.
Antonio is well known lately in Southern Europe as CEO and part of the founding team of mytaxi app (currently Free Now) till July 2017. mytaxi is the first free Taxi App to order and pay via Smartphone. In September 2014, moovel GmbH, subsidiary of Daimler, acquired mytaxi to be part of Daimler AG – Mercedes Benz Group.

Mustapha Chaoune
General Secretary of the Moroccan Union of Transport Professionals (SMPT), Casablanca - Morocco
Mustapha Chaoune
Bachelor's degree in private law with 20 years’ experience in transport and logistics. As an active expert in the development of transportation and logistics, Mr Chaoune leads a number of organizations in Morocco and across Africa. These includes as Secretary General of the Moroccan Union of Transport Professionals (SMPT), National Secretary General of the Democratic Organization of Transport Professionals ODPT, President of the African Union of Transport and Logistics Organizations (UAOTL). Mr Chaoune is also a member of several Boards of organizations relating to transport, these includes; Executive Board of the World Union of Transport, Communication and Fisheries, and Member of World Bank Africa Sustainable Transport Policy Program (SSATP). He is married and has two children.

Boyd Cohen
CEO and Cofounder of Iomob , Barcelona - Spain
Boyd Cohen

Dieter Flämig
Head of the advisory council of Berlin INFRAMoblity-Dianba, Berlin - Germany
Prof. Dr. Dieter Flämig
University degree in Industrial Engineering (mechanical engineering) and Dr.rer.oec.
at the Technical University of Berlin (1977 and 1982)
State Secretary (retired) to the Governing Mayor of Berlin and first spokesperson of
the reunited Berlin (until 1992)
Honorary Professor at Sofia University (Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration) since 2010 and author (last book: “Think further: from the energy
turnaround to sustainability”, 2016)
11 years of leadership experience as state executive (focus: economic and labor
market affairs, political communication)
28 years of consulting and management experience in the international, national
and local infrastructure development sector (in 2014/2015: expert-member of the
German Enquete-commission “Neue Energien für Berlin” (New Energies for Berlin))
Secretary-General of the expert advisory board at the ministers council of the GDR
(conversion strategies) in 1990
Co-founder and chairperson of INFRANEU (German main association for
infrastructures and sustainability) since 1994 and head of management of CHINA
GATE BERLIN since 2005
Co-founder of INFRAWIND EURASIA and president since 2008 (official strategic
partner of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES) and partner of China
Power International/CPINE)
Academic Vice President/President of the international platform "Academic
Organisation for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies" since 2012
Winner of a World Green Design Product Award for the “Green Health City”-project
in 2015 and of the Green Design International Contribution Award for the book
“Think further” in 2016
Former member or member of e.g. board of the German Federal Employment
Agency, German ZDF Television Council, supervisory boards of housing
associations and infrastructure companies (advisory council of the new green
energy-supplier “Berliner Stadtwerke” (Berlin City Enterprises) since 2014)
Member of the Expert Panel of APA NOVA Bucharest since its inauguration in 2001
Vice-chairman of the advisory council of the Berlin City Enterprises since 2017
Head of the advisory council of Berlin INFRAMoblity-Dianba, a Chinese-German EMobility-
Joint Venture, and General Manager of 10. Windpark, an awarded
Chinese-German wind-power-farm in Dortmund.

Lukas Foljanty
Senior Manager Smart Cities at moovel Group GmbH, Berlin - Germany
Lukas Foljanty
Moovel (becomes REACH NOW)
In his position as Senior Manager Smart Cities at moovel Group GmbH
(becomes REACH NOW), Lukas Foljanty is working in close collaboration with governmental and business partners to develop, plan and roll-out innovative demand-responsive mobility services. With his extensive experience in transportation planning and strategy consulting, Lukas helps cities introduce new mobility solutions that support the cities’ transportation policy goals and prepare them for a future with shared autonomous services.
After graduating in Urban and Regional Planning and before joining moovel in 2017, Lukas worked as management and strategy consultant for public mobility stakeholders and as in-house consultant at Deutsche Bahn focusing on digital mobility solutions.
Contact: lukas.foljanty@moovel.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lukasfoljanty

Thorsten Försterling
Innovation Manager, Winner of the "German Mobility Award" - Bielefeld, Germany
Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Försterling
Innovation Manager
Dipl.-Ing., Born in 1966, is innovation manager in Bielefeld-Sennestadt and city In 2007 he was co-founder of alberts.architekten BdA - Office for Social Tailured Architecture, 2014 - 2018 he was „Sanierungsmanager (KfW-432)“‘ of the climate district Sennestadt. Furthermore he is busy with mobility projects. Since the beginning of 2019 he is engaged in city developing in Horn, a medieval city close to the Externsteine. He is also busy with village development: For the project Jugend unter Dampf in Lippischer Extertal, he received the Culture Prize of the German economy. In 2017 he developed the magazine "Ort und Stelle - Osterwald taucht auf". Now he has been awarded the German Mobility Award for the innovation "MonoCab", gyroscopically stabilized monocaps on Rural Railways.

Isabella Grahsl
Senior Principal Digital Transformation / New Mobility, Deutsche Bahn AG / DB Management Consulting, Munich - Germany
Isabella Grahsl
- Deutsche Bahn Manager focusing on all kinds of passenger transportation, currently within DB Connect
- Global strategy consulting experience in network-based industries
- Business model innovation experience under blurring industry borders and customer co-creation of value
- C-Suite experience in Deutsche Bahn’s largest corporate Startup, Mobimeo
- Track record in business model innovation projects in mobility markets

Gabriella Gyori
Sustainable and Circular Procurement Consultant, Circular Economy Club Mentor, Berlin - Germany
Gabriella Gyori
Gabriella Gyori is sustainable, circular procurement professional. She has extensive experience in planning and managing international procurement procedures and in developing procurement policies. She obtained global experience by advising public and private sector organisations with a focus on sustainable procurement, digitalization in procurement and business model development for resource efficient supply chains. She also works as mentor and coach for the Circular Economy Club and for the Climate-KIC.
Gabriella is lawyer by training, emerged herself in the world of procurement and holds an executive degree in sustainable business management. She is also certified innovation manager. She is currently based in Berlin.

Sebastian Heise
COO at Graphmasters, Hannover - Germany
Sebastian Heise
Sebastian is a senior developer and entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience in software development. He studied Computer Science and Digital Media in Bremen (Germany). He has published numerous research papers in the field of semantic audio analysis, graphics processing and human-machine interaction (HCI). His visionary ideas regarding HCI and sound analysis have been recognized with several awards and have already led to the foundation of three startups. Renowned corporations such as VW, Audi, ABB Industrial and LIDL as well as high-tech companies like UJAM.com and Winterstein Production have relied on his extensive knowledge and experience.
In 2013, the idea for a revolutionary navigation and routing system was born: using AI and a collaborative method, i. e. a swarm intelligence, routes for individual vehicles are selected in such a way that traffic jams are avoided before they occur. With Graphmasters, he now supports cities and federal states in traffic management measures and implements dynamic fleet planning for well-known logistics companies.

Philipp Henzgen
Senior Project Manager Autonomous Mobility at ioki - a DB Company, Frankfurt a.M. - Germany
Dr. Philipp Herzgen
Senior Project Manager Autonomous Mobility at ioki

Meike Jipp
Prof. of “Human Factors in Transportation” at the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany, )Head of the "Human-Factors" Department at German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Prof. Dr. Meike Jipp
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transportation Systems
Meike Jipp is a professor of "Human Factors in Transportation" at the Faculty of Life Sciences of the Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany). She is currently on leave to be head of the Human-Factors Department and acting head of the Testing-Department. Both departments are part of the Institute of Transportation Systems at the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
In her research, Meike Jipp concentrates on improving the cooperation between humans and technology in ground-based transportation: How can automotive systems, public transportation systems, and railway systems be developed and designed so that human mobility is safe, efficient, and comfortable? How can the job profiles of those guiding traffic be designed so that they foster human development? Meike Jipp pursues empirical research regarding human performance potential, human state recognition and prediction, cooperation patterns of different traffic participants as well as acceptance and usage of transport services. In this context, she also manages projects financed from industry, the German Research Foundation (DFG), and public authorities.
Meike Jipp studied psychology at Mannheim University (Germany) and Carleton University (Canada). After she has received her PhD in 2008, she expanded her research portfolio as a postdoctoral research fellow at Mannheim University. In 2010, she became part of the Institute of Flight Guidance at DLR and investigated the effects of cognitive abilities on human-technology-interaction as a project manager. Another focus of her research was on skill acquisition. Early in 2014, she assumed the responsibility of the group "Driver Cognition and Modelling" at the DLR-Institute of Transportation Systems. At the same institute, she became head of the Human-Factors Department in 2015 and, additionally, acting head of the Testing Department in 2017. In parallel to her head-of-the-department position, she became an associate professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 2017.
Meike Jipp authored more than 100 journal articles and peer-reviewed papers in international conference proceedings. She is head of the Thematic Group "Safety" of the European Conference of Transportation Research Institutes (ECTRI) and a member of the commission "Coaction of Natural and Artificial Intelligence" of the Scientific Society of Braunschweig (BWG). Moreover, she is appointed member of the Reactor Safety Commission of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) of Germany and a member of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), and the Technical Committee on Human-Machine Systems of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).

Sven Kindervater
CMO citkar GmbH - Germany
Sven Kindervater
CMO citkar GmbH, Berlin
As a former coach and trainer for foundation and reorientation, with a lot of experience in politics and public relations, he leads the areas of marketing and strategy at citkar, the platform for urban mobility and manufacturer of the Loadster. His focus is the development of strategies for online and offline models in the areas of customer acquisition, product development, communication and financing.

Florian Krummheuer
Product and Stakeholder Management at Mobility Inside, Berlin - Germany
Dr. Florian Krummheuer
Mobility Inside
Dr. Florian Krummheuer is responsible for product and stakeholder management at Mobility Inside in Berlin. Mobility inside is an initiative initiated, supported and funded by numerous German public transport companies. The initiative’s mission is to create a scalable mobility platform which is controlled and legitimated by the citizens of the participating municipalities.
Before joining Mobility inside Florian worked as a Consultant (in Detecon’s Berlin Office), full professor for mobility management (at Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden) and as business development manager at Deutsche Bahn’s regional bus branch and DB’s corporate start-up Ioki in Frankfurt/Main. He graduated in Geography (University Bonn) and holds a doctorate degree in Spatial Planning (TU Dortmund) as well as a certificate in Systemic Management (TU Kaiserslautern).

Manfred Kupka
BRICs Real Estate Advisors, Managing Partner
Dr. Manfred Kupka
Keynote Lecturer
Dr. Manfred Kupka is managing partner of BRICs Real Estate Advisors, a consultancy firm providing real estate services in the emerging markets. One main focus is residential real estate in India in today’s times of government initiatives promoting urban development including smart cities, and the housing sector. Manfred first travelled to India in 2005 for reasons of investing in Mumbai’s container terminal and since then has been doing business in India. Before starting BRICS Real Estate Advisors, Manfred was a managing director with HCI Capital and head of the multi-manager and infrastructure business. Among the most successful products was a private equity fund investing in the BRICS and N-11 countries. Manfred started his career with an international accounting firm and later was head of investment finance structures at a private wealth manager. Manfred has over 25 years of professional experience, over 10 years of it in China, India, Brazil, Russia, Korea and Mexico. Trained as a lawyer, Manfred also holds a PhD and a postgraduate degree in real estate portfolio management. He is a frequent speaker at international industry conferences.

Jonne Kuyt
Partner at Edenspiekermann and Creative Director of Design Driven Innovation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jonne Kuyt
Jonne is a partner at Edenspiekermann and creative director of design driven innovation. In the last 20 years his entrepreneurial heart and mind worked on the crossroads of digital brand and innovation and he has directed many team and clients getting the best out of them selves.
- Experience 20 years of working in the field of digital brand and Innovation
- Top skills Strategic and concept driven partner for clients in complex stakeholder fields
- Persuasive public speaker and seller of big ideas and breakthroughs within complex change and transformational context.
- Critical thinker, designer and sparring Partner
- Clients Amsterdam Airport, The Lancet, Elsevier, Novartis, National Cancer Trust The Netherlands, LG Electronics, KPN, ING, FBTO, Procter & Gamble Fragrances, Naturalis, TEDx, Sogeti, ID&T, Vlisco, Miller Genuine Draft, Quooker, ESA.

Rolf Mienkus
Co-Founder and CEO of insel-projekt.berlin UG, Berlin - Germany
Rolf Mienkus
CEO insel-projekt.berlin UG
Rolf Mienkus is a communications specialist (major in Social and Business Communications / Berlin University of the Arts) who among other things worked at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum for Contemporary Art (Berlin State Museums). As of 2007, he focused on copywrite work for small and medium-sized, as well as large companies. In autumn 2013, Rolf Mienkus conceived the vision “The Sustainable Mierendorff-ISLAND 2030” and has been pursuing its implementation ever since. At first as a honorary initiator of the entrepreneur network “Verantwortungspartner-Region Berlin-Mierendorff-INSEL”, since 2017 as executive director of insel-projekt.berlin UG (IPB), which he founded in 2015. IPB currently focuses on the execution of the two research projects "NEUE MOBILITÄT BERLIN (NMB)" and "Distribut-e: Green Neighborhood Supply Chains for the City of Tomorrow (BMBF)".

Ksenija Ostriž
Deputy Mayor, City of Koprivnic - Croatia
Ksenija Ostriž
Deputy Mayor, City of Koprivnica
B.Sc.Econ. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics, field: marketing, 1990 – 1996.
Professor of economics, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, field: pedagogy, 1998. – 2000.
Deputy Mayor, City of Koprivnica, 08/2017. – present
- Main fields: economy, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, culture and creative industries
Headmaster, Secondary School Koprivnica, 01/2013. – 08/2017.
- Organization and controlling of classes and teaching quality, school management, HR management, creation of school extracurricular activities, project managment
Deputy Headmaster, Secondary School Koprivnica, 06/2006. – 01/2013.
- Organization of classes, lifelong education organization and management, EU project design and management
CEO, Business Incubator Koprivnica, Member of the Board, Regional Development Agency North, 05/2005 – 06/2006.
- Establishment of first business public incubator in Koprivnica for start-ups, project design, organization of trainings for entrepreneurs, participation in workgroup for design of city strategy
Professor of economics, Secondary school Koprivnica, 11/1996. – 05/2005.
Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of economy and entrepreneurship, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Agency for Mobility and EU, Courses and professional training in teaching, management, project management and public management 1997. – 2017. , Zagreb, Croatia
State school for public management, Local and regional development management, Public procurement and budget controlling, Public relations, Leadership, 2017. – 2019., Zagreb, Croatia

Arndt Pechstein
Agile Coach, Founder and Managing Partner of phi360
Dr. Arndt Pechstein
Agile Coach | Management Consultant | Business Culture Catalyst
Arndt is an energetic blend of a scientist, serial entrepreneur, business coach, restless athlete, and passionate human being.
Arndt holds a PhD in neuroscience, a diploma in biochemistry & biotechnology, and has specialist backgrounds in Biomimicry (bio-inspired innovation), Agile Coching & Design Thinking (user-centered innovation), Circular Economy, and organizational development. As founder and managing partner of the boutique consultancy phi360 and founder & director of the Biomimicry Germany Think Tank, he advises companies and organizations on agile transition, innovation, adaptive leadership, new work, bio-inspired disruptive innovation, and a new digital mindset. Arndt’s mission is shaping a just, sustainable, and desirable future.
He combines technical and analytical knowledge with human behavior and creative approaches to drive change and innovation and has successfully led numerous change projects.
Arndt is also an inspiring keynote and TEDx speaker. As a multi-award-winning entrepreneur his transformative work is applied in SMEs and corporates across all sectors. Arndt is a black belt in various martial arts, passionate breakdancer, climber, outdoor enthusiast, and he teaches parkour.

Timon Rupp
Founder and CEO of The Drivery GmbH, Berlin - Germany
Timon Rupp

Jonas Schorr
Smart City Expert, Co-Founder of Urban Impact, Berlin - Germany
Jonas Schorr,
Co-Founder Urban Impact, Berlin - Germany
Jonas Schorr holds a MA Global Media & Communications from London School of Economics and Fudan University Shanghai. He works as a research fellow at Technische Universität Berlin, being an active part of Berlin’s emerging Smart City scene. Jonas works in international city cooperation and coordinates the Policy Transfer Platform, an innovative knowledge exchange platform for city experts worldwide. He has worked at the London School of Economics’ urban research centre LSE Cities and the Urban Age Programme. Jonas has studied and worked in a variety of contexts in Europe, Singapore and China.
Recently Jonas founded Urban Impact http://www.urbanimpact.eu

Carolin Schröder
Senior Researcher at ZTG (Center for Technology and Society), TU Berlin - Germany
Carolin Schröder
Carolin Schröder studied Environmental Planning at TU Berlin and University College Dublin, and did her doctorate in Urban Planning/Architecture at RWTH Aachen. She is senior researcher at Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft, TU Berlin and focusses on sustainable urban development, governance, digitalisation and transformation.

Luca Silipo
Manager of the GEODIS World Lab, Berlin - Germany
Luca Silipo
Luca has started his career in finance after a post-grad in Geneva. As an economist and then a Chief economist for investment banks he has lived in London, Milan, New York, Paris, and Hong Kong. After fifteen years in the industry, he moved to the real sector. He has created and currently manages the GEODIS World Lab, a multi-disciplinary research department in charge of providing top-down strategic inputs to the board of one of the global largest supply chain corporations. Aside from his long-standing love affair with music – also as an amateur composer and conductor – he has been increasingly interested about social, economic, and environmental sustainability. He has published a book, On Proximity, about the potential of objects to constantly remind to us the importance of society, invested as they are with the social meaning of their production, their use, and their disposal. Luca currently lives in Berlin.

Uwe Stahn
Inventor and CEO of Synchrotrain - Germany
Uwe Stahn
Inventor of SynchroTrain
Uwe Stahn is a trained electronics technician with several years of practical experience as an electrical mechanic in the maintenance of an automatic factory. At the same time he studied technical cybernetics and automation technology for 2 semesters in distance learning and then changed to a direct study of information technology in mechanical engineering at the Technical University (TU) Berlin. He then worked for several years as a freelance designing engineer and software developer. In addition to his work as a systems analyst, he has been involved in the optimization of transport systems since 1999. In 2006 the worldwide patented solution "synchrotrain" was developed.
Synchrotrain is a centrally controlled personal rapid transit (PRT) system on the existing infrastructure - railway track - with a planned average speed of up to 200km/h. It thus has the capacity of a motorway with 13 lanes in each direction or 15 times the capacity of today's rail. So far, several functional models (1:12, 1:24) and a simple prototype (1:1) have been developed, as well as a circuit with overhead contact line for the 1:24 models on which all driving manoeuvres and control can be tested.

Nikolay Tcholtchev
Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Competence Center SQC, Berlin - Germany
Nikolay Tcholtchev (PhD) is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Competence Center SQC.
Education & Career
Nikolay Tcholtchev holds a PhD in engineering and a diploma in computer science from the Berlin University of Technology. He is currently working for the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) where he leads and participates in projects related to the areas of Smart Cities (Open Urban Platforms), Network and Systems Management, Cybersecurity, Autonomic Communications, Virtual und Softwarized Networks and Testbeds, VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112), Blockchain, Smart Energy, Firewall/IDS/IPS, Model-Checking, IPv4/6, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Model-based Testing and Testing for Security purposes. Furthermore, his current tasks include: technical project management (industrial projects, H2020, EU-FP6/FP7 ...) and reporting (H2020, EU-FP7, industrial projects) as well as project acquisition (H2020, BMBF, industrial projects). Additionally, Nikolay Tcholtchev supervises master and bachelor students in the course of their theses in relation to the above listed topics. Nikolay Tcholtchev is a regular participant at international conferences and publishes on regular basis in peer reviewed proceedings and journals.
- Since 01/2008: Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin: Smart Cities (Open Urban Platforms), Network and Systems Management, Cybersecurity, Autonomic Communications, Virtual und Softwarized Networks and Testbeds, VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112), Blockchain, Smart Energy, Firewall/IDS/IPS, Model-Checking, IPv4/6, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Model-based Testing and Testing for Security purposes
- 04/2007 – 10/2007: Software Engineer at Nokia Siemens Networks Berlin
- 10/2006 – 03/2007: Software Engineer in Research & Development, Student Assistant at Siemens Networks in Berlin
- 06/2003 – 10/2006: Software Engineer in Research & Development, Quality Assurance, Department Software Technology & Tooling Siemens ICM/COM in Berlin
Expertise & Areas of Interest
- Smart Cities - Open Data, Open Urban Platforms, Mobility-as-a-Service, IoT
- Model-checking
- Network and Systems Management
- Virtual und Softwarized Networks and Testbeds,
- VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112)
- Blockchain
- Cybersecurity - Firewall/IDS/IPS
- IPv6 Testing and Simulation
- Model-based Testing with UML2.0 and TTCN-3
- IPv4/v6 & Ethernet - Configuration and Faultmanagement
- Network Simulation - IP-Addressing and Routing in GNS3, OMNET++ …
- Autonomic Systems Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
- Future Internet - clean slate and evolutionary approaches
- Fault-Tolerance and Resilience in Distributed Systems
- Expertise on testbed setups and experimental platforms for IP based networks
- Test-Management
- Software-, Network- and Test-Architecture
- Project Management
Current Projects:
- H2020 Triangulum – Definition of an ICT Reference Architecture for Smart Cities
- WindNODE – Utilization of Blockchain for the Smart Energy domain
- H2020 FORTIKA – Cybersecurity for SMEs (Firewall/IDS/IPS)
- H2020 EMYNOS – NG 112 VoIP Emergency Communication and IoT Integration
- Consulting for German and European Cities relating to Smart City technology, Open Urban Platforms and ICT Reference Architecures for sustainable development
- Organisation of Workshops presenting relevant Smart City topics to industry and city administrations
- Study/Consulting for Blockchain in International Trade and Supply Chains for key European Insititutions
Previous Projects:
- Smart Cities & Open Urban Platforms
- Open Cities - European project on open technological infrastructures for Smart Cities
- Gemo - Collaborative e-Mobility in Urban Areas of the Future
- OGDD - Open Government Data Germany
- GovData.DE – the Open Governmental Data portal for Germany
- Daten.berlin.de – the Open Data Portal for the city of Berlin
- ProSeMo – Proactive Seemless Mobility (competition phase)
- Netzdaten-berlin.de – an energy Open Data Portal for Berlin
- European Innovation Partnership Smart Citites and Communities (EIP SCC) – regular participant at the networking events, involved in the initial work stream on defining an ICT Reference Architecture for Smart Cities and Communities
- DIN SPEC 91357 - Reference Architecture Model Open Urban Platform (OUP)
- DIN SPEC 91367 - Urban mobility data collection for real-time applications
- Urban Data Spaces – a study, concept and definition of an Urban Data Space on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Morgenstadt – City of the Future network of the Fraunhofer society
- Cybersecurity & Quality Assurance
- DIAMONDS - Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain Security Testing Technologies
- Industrial project with focus on Model-Checking for a firewall implementation within a large telecom infrastructure
- Industrial project with focus on defining a security function for an industrial IoT solution and corresponding pre-standardization activities
- Industrial project with focus on functional and security testing of a key decentralized component for a large scale telecom infrastructure
- Network and Telecommunication Technology & Network and Systems Management
- EFIPSANS – Autonomic Network and Systems Management in IPv6 networks
- Autonomic Network Architecture (ANA)
- Industrial Projects within the IPv6 Test Lab
- IPv6 phase 2 for public administration – Routing, Addressing and Network Simulation for Security based Policy based Routing within the German public administration
- Industrial project with focus on load and performance testing of a key decentralized component for a large scale telecom infrastructure
- Bizware - Model and Software Factory
Participations & Memberships
- DIN SPEC 91357
- DIN SPEC 91367
- Morgenstadt – steering board representative member for Fraunhofer FOKUS in 2018, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker
- BITKOM – WG Smart City / Smart Region

Paul Vorster
CEO Intelligent Transport Society of South Africa
Paul Forster
CEO Intelligent Transport Society of South Africa
Paul has served as CEO of ITS South Africa since its establishment in 2001. He is a Founder Member of the ITS Africa Working group, together with ITS Ethiopia and ITS Nigeria. He has served as the host of the biennial i-Transport Conference and Exhibition. This event will next be hosted in October 2010 rebranded as the Smart Mobility Conference. He has been an active member of the ITS Policy Committee of the International Road Federation (IRF) and served on the panel of advisors to the Gauteng Transport Commission. He is an advocate for the Smart City concept, with emphasis on smart mobility. Paul has been invited to speak on multiple international forums, including at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and several ITS World Congresses.

Franziska Weiser
Founder & CEO of Carré Mobility UG, Frankfurt a.M. - Germany
Franziska Weiser
Founder & CEO of Carré Mobility UG
Franziska Weiser studied Industrial Engineering and International Management (M.Eng. - Rüsselsheim/Boston) with a Focus on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Vehicle Developement.
She has been working in various positions in the mobility sector for over 7 years within Germany and the United States. For TÜV Rheinland, she is responsible for the "Digital Mobility Services" business unit and within is driving new services for fleets forward. With her own company, Carré Mobility, she is following her desire to actively contribute to a better urban mobility. Carré Mobility offers a new, sustainable and more social urban mobility solution for people directly at their place of residence or work.
In the course of her work, she works as an expert in committees, e.g. for the new design of mobility laws or for the development of innovative cooperate mobility management concepts.

Jörg Welke
Project Manager Innovation at Berlin Agency for Electro Mobility - Germany
Jörg Welke, Germany
Keynote Lecturer
Since 2013, Jörg Welke has been the public relations officer at the Berlin Agency for Electromobility eMO. From 2009 to 2012 he was involved in the study „hytrust“, funded by the German federal ministry for transportation, examining the acceptance and the trust in the hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the German public. From 2006 to 2009 he worked for the project SPREE2011 in Berlin, which developed a technology for retaining mixed sewage water. From 2003 to 2006 he was press officer for the Internationale Physicians for the prevention of Nuclear War. From 1995 to 2002 he was responsible for the on-air-promotion of the news channel n-tv. He studied history, politics and German literature.

Dominik Zalewski
Co-founder of Urban Tech Agency, Urban Impact, Berlin - Germany.
Dominik Zalewski - Co-Founder of Urban Impact

Stéphane Barbier
Stéphane Barbier, France
Keynote Speaker
Stéphane is currently CDO – Chief Development Officer - of TRANSPOLIS - a smart city lab - in charge of marketing, communication, business development and the fundraising activity. Prior to that, he was deputy CEO of STUDIOSANTE a fast-growing healthcare company specialized in home healthcare services. He ran the strategic development and the global operations.
Stéphane has had a varied and exciting career. He has been Senior Director of Business Development at INVESTINLYON and General Secretary of the WORLD TRADE CENTER LYON. In his involvement in international business development, Stéphane led many strategic operations :
- he advised innovative startups and Fortune 500 companies start their business in France with a focus on the healthcare and cleantech sectors,
- he helped bringing talents to Lyon to make it one of the most attractive cities in Europe for the creative class,
- he worked closely with the finance industry - PE and Sovereign Wealth Funds from the GCC countries - to support strategic urban projects.
Stéphane started his career as Marketing Director for OTIO France, a French high-tech startup for which he set promotional and marketing actions to launch several new products and holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Lyon and has received training in Strategic Management from EML the Lyon Business School.
As General Secretary of the WORLD TRADE CENTER LYON, member of the World Trade Centers Association in NYC, Stéphane turned a non-profit association into a profitable private company with a major real estate project. Prior to that, Stéphane ran INNOVEXPERT to boost the consulting activity for SMEs and tech companies. Stéphane co-founded PARTNERS Consulting in 1996. During 7 years as CEO, he focused on strategy and business development with international clients. At this time, Stéphane was convinced that the humanities should be better combined with technology to face new innovation challenges.
He is also a Board member of HARA (Health Angels Rhône-Alpes), the regional network of healthcare business angels.

Robert Knight
Moderator, Coach, International Human Resources Management
Robert Knight, USA
Moderator, Discussion Leader
Robert Knight is the founder of Conscious Endeavors, a consultancy specialized in executive and professional career coaching, leadership and organizational development.
A native of Washington State in the United States, Robert Knight has lived, studied and worked in Germany since 1989. In addition to having studied organ performance and sacred music at the State Conservatory of Music in Trossingen, Germany, he holds an MA degree in Languages and Humanities from University of Freiburg, Germany, and a Master of Science Degree in Business Administration from the Graduate School of
Business Administration Zürich (GSBA), Switzerland.
Robert Knight is particularly driven to help experienced professionals, business leaders, teams and other individuals to discover and development their full human potential as they make a positive impact in the world.

Gabriele Wendorf
Director of the ZTG (Center for Technology and Society), TU Berlin - Germany
Gabriele Wendorf, Germany
Panel Sessions Chair
Gabriele Wendorf is the scientific director for the ZTG (Centre for Technology and Society) at the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin). She was previously a Vice President of TU Berlin and visiting professor at the Chair of Designing, Architecture and Urban Development in Global Relations. Her background is a rich mix of economics, applied science and urban development.
In addition to her long academic career, Wendorf cofounded and served as CEO of the Association for Applied Programming (Gesellschaft für anwendungsorientierte Programmierung GAP mbH)
She studied Industrial Engineering and Management, specializing in Civil Engineering a TU Berlin.

Emmanuel John
Director, Transportation Growth Initiative, Abuja - Nigeria
Emmanuel John, Nigeria
Keynote Lecturer
Emmanuel John holds a Master’s Degree in Transport and Logistics and he is the Director of Strategy of Transportation Growth Initiative (TGI), a non-governmental Organization focused on transport research, human resource development and networking, which membership is composed of private transport companies, government ministries & agencies relating to transportation, research institutes, Universities, Civil Societies and individuals with interest in transportation. Prior to this, he had worked with Government of Nigeria at the Federal Road Safety Corps for 20 years as a transport and road safety expert and was involved in the development of many national road safety initiatives and policies. He is also the Series Director of the TGI’s annual International Transportation Conference which network African transportation experts, decision makers and practitioners. Emmanuel is the Coordinator of Transport Research and Projects of the Africa Union of Transport and Logistics Organization, a continental body composed of transport organizations, academics and other technocrats from 26 Africa countries. Emmanuel has been involved in the coordination of many sustainable urban mobility initiatives in Nigeria and in Africa including #OpenStreetsAbuja, activities marking the World Bicycle Day, Development of the first draft national Cycling Policy and Strategy, the annual Sustainable Urban Mobility Course for Africa, holding in Abuja, amongst others. He has authored six books among which are “The Future of Urban Mobility in Nigeria: Mitigating the Impact of Population Growth on Urban Mobility” and “Non Motorised Transportation in Developing Countries”. He is a chattered Engineer, regular keynote speaker, Radio/TV commentator, and Corporate Member of the Chattered Institute of Transport and Logistics, UK.